
RULES (Read before submitting charact

1. "Another Kyo by Jin" This edit retains the usual moveset, specials and hypers as the original. He was most likely made to be just a simple clone of Kyo. He does have a glitch were when the round starts he leaves behind a clone of himself. It doesn't attack, but will absorb blows from the opponent, as of such it can be annoying. I'd pass on this one, but try him if you like.

2. "Kyo-0 by sorenari" A fusion of both Kyo-1, and Kyo-2, and the "prototype" of all Kyo clones. He has the specials of both Kyo-1, Kyo-2, and the edit, Kyo Clone 10 (see below). His AI is pretty tough, and he fills the roll of a midboss quite well. Good for any roster.

3. "Another Kyo-0 by sorenari" I'm not sure what the difference is between this edit and Kyo-0, other then having a slightly darker color scheme. However FF3 did reveal a Touhou Project character within his sprites, though I've never seen it used in game. If anyone finds more differences, let me know.

4. "Kyo-4 by BAL" This Kyo is mostly an earth user. His specials consist of throwing rocks, a version of Mukai's Rising Pillar, and stretching his arms. Hypers include a rapid puch flurry, a ball and chain, and changing into a giant saw blade. A little cheap, but well suited for a boss fight.

5. Kyo-5 by H.A.L.L." This Kyo retains the moveset from Kyo-0. Unfortunately I can't seem to find any difference, other then the color scheme, if anyone finds more let me know. Still suitable for a boss non the less.

6. "Kyo-12 by H.A.L.L" Once again, very similar to the original Kyo, but this one has some kind of gauge in addition to the normal power gauge. It fills up each time he lands a successful hit on the foe. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it's for. Decent overall.

7. "Kyo-13 by BAL" This Kyo still has the fire based attacks, but also has quite a few extra moves as well. New specials include a flame wheel projectile that acts like a boomerang, a flying fire kick, and teleporting to name a few. Hypers include fire breath, waves of flame, and slamming his foe into the ground from the sky. He is a little cheap, but good for the roster.

8. "Clone Kyo by Ikaruga" This edit is pretty much just a clone of Kyo himself, hence the name. He has the same specials, and hypers as the original too. Uses a gauge in addition to the usual power gauge. A good character in all.

9. "NM_K by Natsumega" This edit is also similar to the original, but now has a few new hypers. These include unleashing a series of punches and kicks, then delivering a huge punch that knocks the foe back, a single punch that explodes on impact, and a fire bird to name a few. Well suited for the roster.

10. "Kyo Clone-10 by David Demianoff" A boss from the fan-made game King of Fighters Memorial. This edit retains the usual fire based attacks, but also has a version of Mukai's Netherworld Agony. His damage output is also very high, and the AI is quite merciless. Well suited for the roster none the less.

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